Jobs Start Here

Employers Hiring Now!
If you are currently job searching or are looking to make a career change, now is the time to contact Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend (WFSCB) for assistance. We specialize in matching job seekers with local employers, and with over 7,000 jobs available in there has never been a better time to Search Jobs, Get Trained, and GET HIRED

Register For WorkInTexas
Complete set of employment tools for job seekers in Work in Texas. Search jobs, create résumés, find education and training.

Jobs, Jobs, And More Jobs!
60 High demand jobs in occupations such as Crane Operators, Registered Nurses, Accountants, and numerous others are currently available in today’s Coastal Bend job market. Recently approved by the WFSCB Board of Directors. WFSCB can pay for qualified job seekers to get trained in one of the occupations listed on the Targeted Occupations List!

Job search guide
Workforce Solutions Coastal Bend (WFSCB) recognizes the importance of a successful job search and is pleased to provide you with the tools to land your dream job. We are excited for your future and the future of the Coastal Bend. We can help you learn about: Job Search Strategies, Effective Resumes, Successfully Completing a Job Application, Job Interviews
Have a Workforce Professional contact you!
Workforce Professionals are virtually available to assist you by phone, text, email, and online.
(361) 882-7491
Employment Education

Virtual Workshops
Virtual workshops are available all week to teach job seekers from all walks of life about FREE programs tools and resources offered by Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend, Texas Workforce Commission, and community partners. You will get in-depth instructions on how to maximize your job search and gain the skills needed to have a successful job interview. Click here to view the Schedules and Zoom Links for all the virtual workshops that are available.

The Texas Internship Challenge
The Texas Internship Challenge encourages students to participate in the thousands of internships around the state to gain the marketable skills employers are looking for. Internships help you explore career opportunities, network with employers, and earn a salary or school credit. Start your search by entering your keyword in the search bar above.
Training Scholarships are Available Now! Find out if you qualify for FREE Training. Participants can receive scholarships to obtain a certification or degree at a local college or university that will be paid for by Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend. To learn more and see the list of training occupations available, visit
Eligible Training Providers (ETPs) are entities with job training programs approved by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)–funded training services. The publicly accessible Statewide Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL) includes all programs that are currently approved by TWC for ITA funding.
Job Skills
Make your resume stand out!
Learn how to fine-tune your resume to show employers that you are the best match for the job! Your resume is often the first impression a prospective employer will have of you. Therefore it is crucial that you know how to make yours stand out among the others.
Ace your next job interview!
Learn how to fine-tune your resume to show employers that you are the best match for the job! Your resume is often the first impression a prospective employer will have of you. Therefore it is crucial that you know how to make yours stand out among the others.
Video for a successful job interview
Work place ethics
Work Ethics are essential skills or “soft skills” that employers are looking for. They refer to proper conduct in the workplace. Demonstrating strong work ethics will not only land you a job but help you keep it.